Beyond the Horizon- A Short Story Collection

Beyond the Horizon- A Short Story Collection

From action packed suspense to gripping climate fiction, R.F. Walden delivers it all in 16 groundbreaking new science fiction stories.

SETI Secrets: A message from space discovered by a SETI researcher’s grandson, it speaks of doom for humankind.

Time Traveling Brothers: Twins flung through the reaches of time, their parallel lives mirroring more than looks and genetics.

Alien Encounter: An alien armada spotted in the deepest reaches of the solar system—and headed directly for Earth.

Final Chapter: A tormented writer so close to revenge he can practically pen the ending himself and finally put his demons to rest.

These stories and more await within the pages of Beyond the Horizon by R.F. Walden. While known mostly for his climate fiction (cli-fi, as they say in the industry), R.F. Walden also writes science fiction that seeks to examine humanity’s choices through the critical lens of environmental impact.

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