Cli-Fi novel

Cli-Fi novel

The Two Worlds of Billy Callahan

Lost relics buried beneath the Israeli desert are supposed to be from human cultures—not aliens.

Jack Callahan, one of the most recognized anthropologists and archaeologists the world has ever known, just stumbled upon something impossible: an ancient artifact from a civilization born among the stars. Before Jack can tell the world what he’s found and change the course of human history, tragedy strikes, and his twelve-year-old son is left to carry the mantle.

Who would believe a kid? No one. But the message left by the alien race is a dire one, and the fate of humanity rests in Billy Callahan’s unproven hands. Can he convince the world to listen? Or will the leaders of his own country simply destroy him and ignore the message?

The Two Worlds of Billy Callahan is the exiting prequel novel to the acclaimed Adventures of Stone Callahan cli-fi series by R.F. Walden! Download or order today, and dive into the thrilling world of the near future where humanity stands on the razor’s edge of disaster—and all by our own doing.

Find the book on Amazon at the link below:

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